

Learn how to keep the romance alive in your marriage or relationship. Learn how to save marriage, marital counseling, relationship problems, marriage & relationship advice.

Are You Ready for Marriage? Here’s How to Tell

It is the second biggest responsibility you will ever undertake. The first is having children. The responsibility to which I am referring is marriage....

Gemstones Are an Amazing Gift for Your Special One

Precious gemstones are widely used in jewelry items such as necklaces, pendants, rings and earrings. There are nine precious gemstones connected to 9 planets...

Top Gift Ideas For Your Better Half

Valentines Day may be long gone, but that still doesn’t mean you can’t shower your better half with gifts and surprises! It’s always difficult to...
7 Gift Ideas For Women

7 Best Gift Ideas For Women – Gifts For Women

Her birthday is coming up, and you have absolutely no idea what to get her. You want to knock her socks off with THE...

Choosing A Gift For The Man In Your Life

Choosing a gift for the man in your life just got a whole lot easier, with the help of gettingpersonal. This user-friendly website will...

5 Simple and Effective Rules to Fight Right

Just sobbing and crying over spilt milk is of no use. You should learn to find out ways to tackle adverse situations and come out as a winner. Remember humor is the best shield that you can get in combating the adverse circumstances. Take things lightly and sort them out wisely.

9 Zodiac Gifts For Women – Zodiac Souvenirs For Women

Women are women who love the mere fact of getting gifts. Want to surprise your ladylove, just gift her a beautiful handbag or a box of dark chocolates. You will be astonished to see how elated she feels!

15 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

Every woman wants his man to be his prized possession and nobody would ever want to share him in any circumstance. It is therefore very important to find out what a man thinks about his lady love. Be careful in your relationship and do not trust him blindfolded. Save yourself from any unexpected trauma both physically and emotionally.

10 Things Men Fail To Communicate With Women

Lack of communication is an important problem that can kill a healthy viable relationship in a short span. You have to be expressive with your partner for having a long relationship. Words have their importance and silence though good, cannot be effective always.

10 Weird Things Men Love In Women

Want to make everyday a memorable and romantic day. Just know your men and see how beautifully your life changes. Your love life will become intense and hot and your man will be yours only. Spend some in discovering the qualities that he likes and make your love life a wonderfully irresistible experience.