A dental examination is a visual display of the mouth and throat. It is conducted to identify problems in order to restore oral health. Radiographs enable a far more complete evaluation while assisting the doctor to identify cavities, problems in current dental restorations, gum and bone decline or other unusual circumstances inside the mouth or throat.

The physician or hygienist will perform a thorough dental exam. This requires feeling round the cheekbones, gums, and tongue, underneath the jaw, and also the sides from the mouth for indications of dental cancer

Here are some common dental procedures performed at Skymark Smile Centre.


Dental cleaning, also called a dental prophylaxis, is the reduction of dental plaque and tartar(calculus) from the teeth. Specifically an ultrasonic device that produces vibrations and is cooled by water isutilized to ease larger bits of tartar. Next, hand tools are used to physically remove smaller debrisand clean the tooth areas. Once all the tooth areas have been completely cleaned out of tartar andplaque, the teeth are polished.

Scaling and Root Planning:

Scaling and root planning is a non-surgical technique utilized to treat periodontal disease.Throughout the scaling procedure, particular tools are utilized to get rid of dental plaque andcalculus from underneath the gums. Planning is the process employed to smoothen the teeth roots. Following the scaling process, root planning assists the gums to heal and reattach themselves to acleaner and smoother root surface.

Lasers in Dentistry:

At Skymark Smile Centre, state-of-the-art delicate tissue laser changes the way you consider several dental procedures!

A dental laser is a medical technology that emits a beam of concentrated light on the tooth where non-invasive surgery is required.

Along with opening up quite a few new treatments, the laser could also decrease the treatment time, bleeding, pain as well as the requirement of stitches for several gum surgeries.

Root Canal Treatment:

Root canals are generally essential when decay has reached the nerve of the tooth or the toothhappens to be infected. When root canal treatments are carried out, infected or swollen pulp isslowly removed from the tooth area. Within the tooth, then cleaned out and sanitized prior tobeing filled up and sealed to limit the potential of future infection. Soon following the root canal iscompleted, the tooth is renewed using a dental crown or filling to shield the tooth and restoreregular tooth function.