An unsuccessful love affair or an abusive relationship can hamper a teen’s self confidence to such an extent that he/she feel that ending life is the only way out. Here’s how you can understand those symptoms and offer help.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death in 15 – 24 year olds. The strongest risk factor s for attempted suicide in your youth are depression, substance abuse and aggressive or disruptive behaviors. The WHO has estimates that one million people die in the world each year by suicide.
What causes teens to attempt suicide?
Adolescence is a stressful developmental period filled with major changes – body changes, changes in thoughts and feelings. Strong feelings of stress , confusion, fear, and uncertainty, as well as pressure to succeed, and the ability to think about things in new ways influence a teenager’s problem solving and decision making abilities. Some children who take their own lives are anxious, insecure kids who have a desperate desire to be liked, to fit in, to do well. Their expectations are so high the they demand too much of themselves, and so are constantly disappointed when themselves. Even a traumatic event can make them severely depressed. most suicides are caused by combination of events that lead a person to believe that ending life is the only way out. A failed love affair or an abusive relationship can hamper the self esteem and self confidence to such an extent that teen’s take such an impulsive step.
Look closely for these signs:
- – You feel his/her personality has changed dramatically
- – S/he always seems bored, and has trouble concentrating
- – S/he is having trouble getting along with other friends or parents. He has withdrawn from people he used to feel close to.
- – S/he has withdrawn from people she/he used to feel close.
- – The quality of his/her school work has gone down.
- – S/he has failed to live up his/her own or someone else expectations?
- – Is acting like a rebel in an explained way.
- – S/he started to write notes and poems about death.
- – S/he may be complaining about headache’s, stomach aches that may or may not be real.
- – Unusual neglect of personal appearance.
- – Indicate plans to commit suicide.
- – Verbalize i want to kill myself or i am going to commit suicide.
- – Give verbal hits i wont be a problem much longer or if anything happens to me, i want you to know.
- – Gives away favorite possessions.
- – Become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression.
- – May express bizarre thoughts.
- – Writes one or more suicide notes
Tips for parents:
- – Give the message to your child that failure is an important part of life. Most important is recovering and moving forward.
- – Recognize your child’s limitation and understand that your child can not be perfect, Infact, no one is.
- – Do not set very stiff and unachievable targets for them.
- – When the child feels discouraged point out his past achievements and remind him of his special skills.
Helping your teen
- – Get your teen talk to you. Starting a conversation may be daunting, but you can say You seem really down, i want to help you. Is there anything i can do?
- – Remember your child does not expect you to have answers. Your child probably just need someone to listen to. By listening and responding in a non-judgmental manner, you are helping in a major way.
- – Take your teen words seriously. If your child is joking or talking about suicide, giving possessions away or saying goodbye, your only responsibility at this point is to get your child help, and get it fast.
- – Stay calm and composed.
- – Do not leave him alone.
- – Do not act shocked or judgmental.
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